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setsockopt - call that sets options on sockets


The setsockopt() function sets options associated with a socket. Options may exist at multiple protocol levels; they are always present at the uppermost socket level. When manipulating socket options, the level at which the option resides and the name of the option must be specified.

The setsockopt() function sets the option specified by the option_name argument. Optval argument is a value that depends on the option being set. The optlen argument specifies the length of the option value, in bytes.

Edge cases of this system call are when the optval argument points to an invalid pointer or the optlen argument contains an invalid length. In these cases, it will return an error. An advantage of this system call is that it allows users to manipulate socket options, enabling them to customize their socket for a variety of applications.


  • sockfd:int[K] - Socket file descriptor.
  • level:int[K] - The protocol level which will be affected.
  • optname:int[K] - Socket option name.
  • optval:const void *[K] - Socket option value.
  • optlen:int[K] - Size of the option value, in bytes.

Available Tags

  • K - Originated from kernel-space.






Monitoring of socket operations.

Example Use Case

The setsockopt() can be used to set options on a socket such as the SO_RCVTIMEO flags. This will allow a read operation on a socket to timeout after the specified period of time. This can be utilized in situations where network streaming must be cut off a certain point in time.


Since setsockopt() is a privileged call, careless application developers could write code which grants more capabilities to processes than necessary, in some cases leading to privilege escalation.

  • socket()
  • connect()
  • bind()

This document was automatically generated by OpenAI and needs review. It might not be accurate and might contain errors. The authors of Tracee recommend that the user reads the "events.go" source file to understand the events and their arguments better.