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epoll_wait_old - waits for events on an epoll file descriptor


The epoll_wait_old function is used to retrieve events associated with an epoll instance. It will block until an event from the epoll instance is available, and then return a list of events that were associated with the epoll instance when the call occurred. The maximum number of events returned by a single call is specified by the maxevents argument.

This system call is the older version of the epoll_wait() system call which itself is replaced by the epoll_pwait() system call which allows for setting a timeout value for the total amount of time to wait for events. The epoll_wait_old system call does not support a timeout value and instead only blocks until an event is available.

The epoll event type of the returned events can be determined from the events field of the struct epoll_event returned from the call. The data associated with the returned events can be determined from the data field of the struct.


  • epfd: int[K] - The file descriptor for the epoll instance. Must be a valid file descriptor that was returned from a call to epoll_create().
  • events: struct epoll_event *[K] - A pointer to an array of struct epoll_events to be filled with events associated with the epoll instance.
  • maxevents: int[K] - The maximum number of events to be present in the events array when the call returns.

Available Tags

  • K - Originated from kernel-space.






To capture when the system call is called and have access to all the arguments passed to it.

Example Use Case

epoll_wait_old might be used in a program that uses asynchronous I/O to read data from multiple sources. The program could use epoll_create() to create an instance of an epoll file descriptor, then use epoll_ctl() to add one or more file descriptors to the instance. The program could then call epoll_wait_old() to wait for events on the epoll file descriptor, when an event is available, the events array will be populated with events related to the epoll instance.


  • This system call does not support a timeout value and instead only blocks until an event is available. This may cause the program to hang if no events occur before the program is killed.
  • epoll_pwait() - The newer version of the epoll_wait() system call.

This document was automatically generated by OpenAI and needs review. It might not be accurate and might contain errors. The authors of Tracee recommend that the user reads the "events.go" source file to understand the events and their arguments better.