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sched_getattr - Retrieve scheduling policy and attributes from a given process.


The sched_getattr() system call retrieves the scheduling policy and attributes of a given process. It allows for retrieving of scheduling policy and attributes of other processes, if given the appropriate privileges. It supports the following flags: SCHED_FLAG_KEEP_POLICY, SCHED_FLAG_KEEP_PARAMS, and SCHED_FLAG_ALLOW_NULL. The attr argument is a pointer to a struct sched_attr, which stores the scheduling parameters.

The sched_getattr() system call retrieves the scheduling attributes of the given process. When used with the SCHED_FLAG_KEEP_POLICY and SCHED_FLAG_KEEP_PARAMS flags, this allows for retrieving of scheduling policy and attributes of other processes, if given the appropriate privileges.


  • pid:pid_t[K] - The pid of the process to query.
  • attr:struct sched_attr*[K] - A pointer to a struct sched_attr where the retrieved attributes will be stored.
  • size:unsigned int[K] - The size of the struct sched_attr in bytes.
  • flags:unsigned int[K] - Flags specifying how the scheduling attributes should be retrieved, allowed values are SCHED_FLAG_KEEP_POLICY, SCHED_FLAG_KEEP_PARAMS, and SCHED_FLAG_ALLOW_NULL.

Available Tags

  • K - Originated from kernel-space.






To monitor retrieval of scheduling attributes of a given process.

Example Use Case

An administrator who needs to monitor scheduling policies of other processes.


This system call requires appropriate privileges in order to monitor processes of other users.

  • sched_setattr - Set scheduling policy and attributes for a given process.
  • sched_setscheduler - Set the scheduling policy for a given process.

This document was automatically generated by OpenAI and needs review. It might not be accurate and might contain errors. The authors of Tracee recommend that the user reads the "events.go" source file to understand the events and their arguments better.