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tracee --capture - Capture artifacts that were written, executed, or found to be suspicious


tracee --capture <[artifact:]capture-option[=value]> ...

tracee --capture <network> [--capture [pcap:option1(,option2...)|pcap-options:option|pcap-snaplen:size]] ...


The --capture flag allows you to capture artifacts that were written, executed, or found to be suspicious during the execution of Tracee. The captured artifacts will appear in the 'output-path' directory.

Possible capture options:

  • [artifact:]write[=/path/prefix*]: Capture written files. You can provide a filter to only capture file writes whose path starts with a certain prefix (up to 50 characters). Up to 3 filters can be given.
  • [artifact:]read[=/path/prefix*]: Capture read files. You can provide a filter to only capture file reads whose path starts with a certain prefix (up to 50 characters). Up to 3 filters can be given.
  • [artifact:]exec: Capture executed files.
  • [artifact:]module: Capture loaded kernel modules.
  • [artifact:]bpf: Capture loaded BPF programs bytecode.
  • [artifact:]mem: Capture memory regions that had write+execute (w+x) protection and then changed to execute (x) only.
  • [artifact:]network: Capture network traffic. Only TCP/UDP/ICMP protocols are currently supported.

File Capture Filters

Files captured upon read/write can be filtered to catch only specific IO operations. The different filter types have a logical 'AND' between them but a logical 'OR' between filters of the same type. The filter format is as follows: <read/write>:<filter-type>=<filter-value>

Filter types:

  • path: A filter for the file path prefix (up to 50 characters). Up to 3 filters can be given. Identical to using '<read/write>=/path/prefix*'.
  • type: A file type from the following options: 'regular', 'pipe', and 'socket'.
  • fd: The file descriptor of the file. Can be one of the three standards: 'stdin', 'stdout', and 'stderr'.

Network Capture Notes

  • Pcap Files:
  • If you only specify --capture network, you will have a single file with all network traffic.
  • You can use pcap:xxx,yyy to have more than one pcap file, split by different means.

  • Pcap Options:

  • If you do not specify pcap-options (or set to none), you will capture ALL network traffic into your pcap files.
  • If you specify pcap-options:filtered, events being traced will define what network traffic will be captured.

  • Snap Length:

  • If you do not specify a snaplen, the default is headers only (incomplete packets in tcpdump).
  • If you specify max as snaplen, you will get the full contents of each packet (pcap files will be large).
  • If you specify headers as snaplen, you will only get L2/L3 headers in captured packets.
  • If you specify headers but trace for net_packet_dns events, the L4 DNS header will be captured.
  • If you specify headers but trace for net_packet_http events, only L2/L3 headers will be captured.


File capture

  • To capture executed files into the default output directory, use the following flag:
--capture exec
  • To capture executed files into a specific directory, clear the directory before starting, use the following flags:
--capture exec --capture dir:/my/dir --capture clear-dir
  • To capture files that were written into anywhere under /usr/bin/ or /etc/, use the following flags:
--capture write=/usr/bin/* --capture write=/etc/*
  • To capture file writes to socket files that are the 'stdout' of the writing process, use the following flag:
--capture write:type=socket --capture write:fd=stdout

Network Capture

  • To capture network traffic, use the following flag:
--capture network
  • To capture network traffic and save separate pcap files for processes and commands, use the following flag:
--capture network --capture pcap:process,command
  • To capture network traffic and save pcap files containing only traced/filtered packets, use the following flag:
--capture network --capture pcap-options:filtered
  • To capture network traffic and set the captured payload from each packet to 1KB, use the following flag:
--capture network --capture pcap-snaplen:1kb
  • To capture network traffic and save pcap files for containers and commands, use the following flag:
--capture network --capture pcap:container,command