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DNS Cache Data Source

The DNS Cache feature allows to tracee build an accurate image of dns and ip relations. These relations can be queried in signatures through a data source.

Enabling the Feature

To switch on the DNS Cache feature, run the command:

sudo tracee --output option:sort-events --output json --output option:parse-arguments --dnscache enable --events <event_type>

The underlying structure is populated using the core net_packet_dns event and its payload.

Command Line Option

$ tracee --dnscache help
Select different options for the DNS cache.

  --dnscache enable  | enable with default values (see below).
  --dnscache size=X  | will cache up to X dns query trees - further queries may be cached regardless (default: 5000).

Use comma OR use the flag multiple times to choose multiple options:
  --dnscache size=A
  --dnscache enable

Consider for your usecase, how many query trees would you like to store? If you will frequently check only a few addresses, consider lowering the size.

Internal Data Organization

From the data-sources documentation, you'll see that searches use keys. It's a bit like looking up information with a specific tag (or a key=value storage).

The dns data source operates straightforwardly. Using string keys, which represent some network address (a domain or IP), you can fetch map[string]string values as shown below:

    schemaMap := map[string]string{
        "ip_addresses": "[]string",
        "dns_queries":  "[]string",
        "dns_root":     "string",

Any address found in the cache, and other related addresses, will be returned in the above structure. Particulary useful is the dns_root field, which will store the initial dns query which all other addresses derive from.

Using the Containers Data Source

Make sure to read Golang Signatures first.

Signature Initialization

During the signature initialization, get the containers data source instance:

type e2eDnsDataSource struct {
    cb      detect.SignatureHandler
    dnsData detect.DataSource

func (sig *e2eDnsDataSource) Init(ctx detect.SignatureContext) error {
    sig.cb = ctx.Callback
    dnsData, ok := ctx.GetDataSource("tracee", "dns")
    if !ok {
        return fmt.Errorf("dns data source not registered")
    if dnsData.Version() > 1 {
        return fmt.Errorf("dns data source version not supported, please update this signature")
    sig.dnsData = dnsData
    return nil

Then, to each event being handled, you will Get(), from the data source, the information needed.

On Events

Given the following example:

func (sig *e2eDnsDataSource) OnEvent(event protocol.Event) error {
    eventObj, ok := event.Payload.(trace.Event)
    if !ok {
        return fmt.Errorf("failed to cast event's payload")

    switch eventObj.EventName {
    case "sched_process_exit":
        if eventObj.Executable.Path != "/usr/bin/ping" {
            return nil // irrelevant code path

        dns, err := sig.dnsData.Get("")
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("failed to find dns data in data source: %v", err)

        ipResults, ok := dns["ip_addresses"].([]string)
        if !ok {
            return fmt.Errorf("failed to extract ip results")
        if len(ipResults) < 1 {
            return fmt.Errorf("ip results were empty")

        dnsResults, ok := dns["dns_queries"].([]string)
        if !ok {
            return fmt.Errorf("failed to extract dns results")
        if len(dnsResults) < 1 {
            return fmt.Errorf("dns results were empty")
        if dnsResults[0] != "" {
            return fmt.Errorf("bad dns query: %s", dnsResults[0])

        m, _ := sig.GetMetadata()

            SigMetadata: m,
            Event:       event,
            Data:        map[string]interface{}{},

    return nil

The above signatures shows usage of the feature in a test signature found in our own e2e tests. The test validates a ping command sent to