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container_remove - A derived event that signifies the termination of an existing container.


The container_remove event indicates when a container is terminated, making it easier to track container activities.

Each container's life cycle is tied to its respective directory within the cgroupfs. By harnessing the data from the cgroup_rmdir event and delving into the associated metadata within the cgroupfs subdirectories, the container_remove event determines if a directory's removal correlates with a container's termination.

Consequently, it captures vital information about the terminated container, such as its runtime and unique identifier. This aids administrators and operators in comprehending container lifecycle dynamics and ensuring system reliability.


  • runtime (const char*): The runtime employed by the container, such as Docker, containerd, etc.
  • container_id (const char*): The distinct identifier allocated to the container.

Derivation Logic

The genesis of the container_remove event is from the cgroup_rmdir event. Initially, it assesses whether the cgroup event pertains to the root directory of a terminating container. Subsequently, utilizing the cgroup_id - originating from the cgroup directory inode - it garners container-centric information, a capability augmented by tracee interactions with runtime daemons.

Example Use Case

  1. Security Monitoring: Scrutinizing container terminations to identify potential security breaches or anomalous activities.
  2. Resource Management: Monitoring container terminations to manage and reclaim system resources efficiently.
  3. System Reliability: Keeping track of container terminations to ensure stable and expected operations within the infrastructure.
  • cgroup_rmdir: The foundational event from which container_remove is derived. It offers insights into the removal of cgroup directories.

Note: This document was generated by OpenAI with a human review process.