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In some cases, you might want to leverage Tracee's eBPF event collection capabilities directly, without involving the detection engine. This might be useful for debugging/troubleshooting/analysis/research/education. In this case you can use Tracee's eBPF collector component, which will start dumping raw data directly into standard output.

Watch a quick video demo of Tracee's eBPF tracing capabilities


Before you proceed, make sure you follow the minimum requirements for running Tracee.

docker run \
  --name tracee --rm -it \
  --pid=host --cgroupns=host --privileged \
  -v /etc/os-release:/etc/os-release-host:ro \
  -e LIBBPFGO_OSRELEASE_FILE=/etc/os-release-host \

Here we are running the same aquasec/tracee container, but with the TRACEE_EBPF_ONLY=1 environment variable set, which will start just a raw trace (Tracee-eBPF), without the detection engine (Tracee-Rules). Here's a sample output of running with no additional arguments:

TIME(s)        UID    COMM             PID     TID     RET             EVENT                ARGS
176751.746515  1000   zsh              14726   14726   0               execve               pathname: /usr/bin/ls, argv: [ls]
176751.746772  1000   zsh              14726   14726   0               security_bprm_check  pathname: /usr/bin/ls, dev: 8388610, inode: 777
176751.747044  1000   ls               14726   14726  -2               access               pathname: /etc/, mode: R_OK
176751.747077  1000   ls               14726   14726   0               security_file_open   pathname: /etc/, flags: O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE, dev: 8388610, inode: 533737

Each line is a single event collected by Tracee-eBPF, with the following information:

  1. TIME - shows the event time relative to system boot time in seconds
  2. UID - real user id (in host user namespace) of the calling process
  3. COMM - name of the calling process
  4. PID - pid of the calling process
  5. TID - tid of the calling thread
  6. RET - value returned by the function
  7. EVENT - identifies the event (e.g. syscall name)
  8. ARGS - list of arguments given to the function

Getting Tracee-eBPF

You can use Tracee-eBPF in any of the following ways:

  1. Use the docker image from Docker Hub: aquasec/tracee:0.7.0 with the trace sub-command.
  2. Download from the GitHub Releases (tracee.tar.gz).
  3. Build the executable from source using make.
  4. Have a building container and then build tracee with it: make -f builder/Makefile.tracee-make help
  5. Build the container images: make -f builder/Makefile.tracee-container help
  6. Build OS packages: make -f builder/Makefile.packaging help

All of the other setup options and considerations listed under Tracee's Installation section applies to Tracee-eBPF as well.