The timerfd_gettime32() system call returns the current value of the timer referenced by the file descriptor ufd into the buffer pointed to by the otmr argument. It is intended to replace the use of the obsolete timer_gettime(2) system call.
The timerfd_gettime32() system call supports both absolute (based on calendar time) and relative (based on process start time) timers and is unaffected by changes in the system time (see adjtime(2)).
The buffer otmr argument used in timerfd_gettime32 is used to return an old-style itimerspec structure, that is:
structold_itimerspec32{structold_timespec32it_interval;/* Timer period */structold_timespec32it_value;/* Timer expiration */};
Advantages of using timerfd_gettime32() is that it provides a mechanism for atomically retrieving the timer's current value, as well as providing relative/absolute timers and being unaffected by changes in system time.
The timerfd_gettime32 system call might be used in an application to retrieve the current value of a timer that was created via the timerfd_create(2) system call for use with a signal handler.
This document was automatically generated by OpenAI and needs review. It might
not be accurate and might contain errors. The authors of Tracee recommend that
the user reads the "events.go" source file to understand the events and their
arguments better.