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Setup Development Machine with Vagrant

[HashiCorp Vagrant] leverages a declarative configuration file, which describes all software requirements, packages, operating system configuration, and users to provide the same development environment for everyone.

The Vagrantfile describes the type of machine required to build Tracee from the Getting Started guides.

This allows developers involved in the project to check out the code, run vagrant up, and be on their way.


  • [Vagrant]
  • [Hypervisor] supported by Vagrant, such as [VirtualBox] on a amd64 (Linux) machine or [Parallels] on an arm64 M1 (Darwin) machine.

Clone the Tracee Repository

Clone the Tracee repository to your local machine. This repository contains the Vagrantfile.

git clone

Open a terminal and navigate to the directory containing the Vagrantfile within the cloned Tracee repository (tracee/)

cd tracee

Configure VM Type (Optional)

The VM can be provisioned for either a dev or test environment. The dev environment includes additional tools like MicroK8s, kubectl, and Helm.

  • Development Environment: Full development environment (Default)
export VM_TYPE=dev
  • Testing Environment: Smaller vagrant machine without k8s cumbersome to avoid conflicts with specific tests.
export VM_TYPE=test

Configure Resource Allocation (Optional)

Customize the VM's resources by setting the following environment variables:

  • VM_PROC: Number of virtual processors. Defaults to half of the host's processors. Example:
export VM_PROC=4
  • VM_MEM: Memory in gigabytes. Defaults to 8GB. Example:
export VM_MEM=16

Start the VM

Run the following command to start the VM:

vagrant up

Vagrant will download the base box, provision the VM, and install all required dependencies. This process may take some time.

Accessing the VM

Once the VM is up and running, you can access it via SSH:

vagrant ssh

This will place you in the /vagrant directory inside the VM, which is synced with the Tracee directory on your host machine.

Build and Run Tracee

You can now build Tracee within the VM using the provided Makefile. Consult the Tracee documentation for specific build instructions. Building Tracee Documentation

Stopping the VM

To stop the VM, use:

vagrant halt

Destroying the VM

To completely remove the VM, use:

vagrant destroy


  • Shared Folder Issues: If you experience issues with the shared folder, ensure your virtualization software's Guest Additions are properly installed and that the shared folder settings in the Vagrantfile match your setup.

  • Networking Issues: If you have trouble accessing forwarded ports, check your firewall settings on both the host and guest machines.

This setup provides a consistent and reproducible environment for developing and testing Tracee. Refer to the Tracee documentation for further details on building and using Tracee.