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Style Guide for Contributors

For those willing to contribute to Tracee, this repository has code formatting guidelines being enforced.

Contributing to Documentation

Our documentation aims to follow the Diátaxis documentation framework.

To contribute to the documentation:

  1. Clone the Tracee GitHub repository.
  2. Make changes in the /docs directory in the root folder.
  3. Remember to edit the index in mkdocs.yml if you add or move existing files or directories.
  4. Test your changes to the documentation.

Test Documentation Changes

You can test your changes to the documentation by building and running a docker container. Prerequisites: Docker installed and running locally. Build the container image:

make -f ./builder/Makefile.mkdocs mkdocs-build

Serve the container image:

make -f ./builder/Makefile.mkdocs mkdocs-serve

Open localhost:8000/tracee

Now you should see the documentation. Check that everything is like you intent.

And finally Submit a PR about the changes.

Contributing to Tracee Code

We welcome contributions to Tracee's codebase! Before submitting your changes, please familiarize yourself with these guidelines. To contribute to the code:

Before You Commit

Tracee relies on several generated files and has strict formatting requirements. Ensure you run the following commands before committing:

NOTE: In order to not depend on host's libraries versions, we recommend that you always run make and other project dependencies on a virtual environment so the formatting will be align with Tracee guidelines

  1. Man Pages Generation: If you've modified core code or documentation that impacts the man pages, run:

    make -f builder/

    This regenerates the man pages to reflect your changes.

  2. Protocol Buffer Compilation: If your changes involve modifications to protocol buffer (.proto) files,run:

    make -f builder/

    This regenerates the corresponding Go code.

  3. Pre-commit checks: Every time you're about to create a pull request, execute:

    NOTE: If your host machine dependencies doesn't align with Tracee dependencies, This command have to run on a supported environment

    make check-pr

    This command performs essential checks: - check-fmt: Verifies code formatting adheres to project standards. - check-lint: Runs linting tools (e.g., golangci-lint) to catch potential issues. - check-code: Performs static code analysis for both Go and C code. - format-pr: Displays the commits in your PR in a standardized format.

    Note: check-fmt,check-lint,check-code,format-pr are individual make command combined under check-pr. You can run the following command without any vm using Makefile

    • For check-fmt:

      make -f builder/Makefile.checkers fmt-check
    • For check-code:

      make -f builder/Makefile.checkers code-check
  4. Fixing Code Formatting: If check-fmt reports issues, use:

    make -f builder/Makefile.checkers fmt-fix

    This automatically formats your Go and C code to meet project standards. Review the changes with git status -s before committing.

Performance Considerations

Performance is a critical aspect of Tracee.

To ensure your contributions maintain optimal performance, follow the guidelines in Performance Considerations page.

Kubernetes Considerations

If your contribution impacts Tracee's behavior within a Kubernetes cluster, follow the guidelines in Kubernetes Considerations.