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Process standard input/output over socket detected


The StdioOverSocket signature is a security mechanism aimed at detecting potential Reverse Shell attacks based on process standard input/output redirections to sockets.


Upon identifying that a process has its standard input/output redirected to a socket, this signature raises an alert. Such behavior can be indicative of a malicious actor attempting to establish a reverse shell, which provides them interactive control over a compromised target.


The main goal of this signature is to identify and flag suspicious redirection of standard I/O operations. Specifically, if these operations are redirected to a socket, it can be a red flag, as this is a behavior commonly associated with a Reverse Shell attack. By detecting such activities, proactive actions can be taken to mitigate potential breaches.


  • ID: TRC-101
  • Version: 2
  • Name: Process standard input/output over socket detected
  • EventName: stdio_over_socket
  • Description: This behavior hints at a Reverse Shell attack, where an interactive shell is activated from a target machine back to the attacker's machine.
  • Properties:
  • Severity: 3
  • Category: execution
  • Technique: Unix Shell
  • id: attack-pattern--a9d4b653-6915-42af-98b2-5758c4ceee56
  • external_id: T1059.004


Upon detection, the signature returns a Finding data structure with the following fields:

  • IP address: (Type: string) The IP address associated with the socket.
  • Port: (Type: string) The port associated with the socket.
  • File descriptor: (Type: int) The file descriptor of the standard input/output (0, 1, 2 for stdin, stdout, stderr, respectively).

Events Used

The signature responds to two primary events:

  1. security_socket_connect - Indicates when a socket connection is made.
  2. socket_dup - Denotes when a socket is duplicated.

Both events are sourced from tracee.