From the Binary Releases
Every release of Starboard provides binary releases for a variety of operating systems. These binary versions can be manually downloaded and installed.
- Download desired release archive for your platform
- Unpack it. As an example for macOS platform, run the following command:
tar -zxvf starboard_darwin_x86_64.tar.gz
- Find the
binary in the unpacked directory, and move it to its desired destinationmv ./starboard /usr/local/bin/starboard
From there, you should be able to run Starboard CLI commands: starboard help
kubectl pluginΒΆ
The Starboard CLI is compatible with kubectl and is intended as kubectl plugin, but it's perfectly fine to run it as
a stand-alone executable. If you rename the starboard
executable to kubectl-starboard
and if it's in your path, you
can invoke it using kubectl starboard