Azure Devops is Microsoft Azure cloud native CI/CD service.
Trivy has a "Azure Devops Pipelines Task" for Trivy, that lets you easily introduce security scanning into your workflow, with an integrated Azure Devops UI.
In this action, Trivy scans the dependency files such as package-lock.json and go.sum in your repository, then create GitHub issues according to the result.
The Dagger module for Trivy provides functions for scanning container images from registries as well as Dagger Container objects from any Dagger SDK (e.g. Go, Python, Node.js, etc).
image: aquasec/trivy:latest
# use any trivy command, if exit code is 0 woodpecker marks it as passed, else it assumes it failed
- trivy fs --exit-code 1 --skip-dirs web/ --skip-dirs docs/ --severity MEDIUM,HIGH,CRITICAL .
You can use Trivy Resource in Concourse for scanning containers and introducing security scanning into your workflow.
It has capabilities to fail the pipeline, create issues, alert communication channels (using respective resources) based on Trivy scan output.