--cache-backend string [EXPERIMENTAL] cache backend (e.g. redis://localhost:6379) (default "fs")
--cache-ttl duration cache TTL when using redis as cache backend
--db-repository strings OCI repository(ies) to retrieve trivy-db in order of priority (default [mirror.gcr.io/aquasec/trivy-db:2,ghcr.io/aquasecurity/trivy-db:2])
--download-db-only download/update vulnerability database but don't run a scan
--enable-modules strings [EXPERIMENTAL] module names to enable
-h, --help help for server
--listen string listen address in server mode (default "localhost:4954")
--module-dir string specify directory to the wasm modules that will be loaded (default "$HOME/.trivy/modules")
--no-progress suppress progress bar
--password strings password. Comma-separated passwords allowed. TRIVY_PASSWORD should be used for security reasons.
--password-stdin password from stdin. Comma-separated passwords are not supported.
--redis-ca string redis ca file location, if using redis as cache backend
--redis-cert string redis certificate file location, if using redis as cache backend
--redis-key string redis key file location, if using redis as cache backend
--redis-tls enable redis TLS with public certificates, if using redis as cache backend
--registry-token string registry token
--skip-db-update skip updating vulnerability database
--token string for authentication in client/server mode
--token-header string specify a header name for token in client/server mode (default "Trivy-Token")
--username strings username. Comma-separated usernames allowed.