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Trivy provides various methods for filtering the results.

Similar to the functionality of filtering results, you can also limit the sub-targets for each scanner. For information on these settings, please refer to the scanner-specific documentation (vulnerability , misconfiguration, etc.).


You can filter the results by

By Severity

Scanner Supported

Use --severity option.

$ trivy image --severity HIGH,CRITICAL ruby:2.4.0
2019-05-16T01:51:46.255+0900    INFO    Updating vulnerability database...
2019-05-16T01:51:49.213+0900    INFO    Detecting Debian vulnerabilities...

ruby:2.4.0 (debian 8.7)
Total: 1785 (UNKNOWN: 0, LOW: 0, MEDIUM: 0, HIGH: 1680, CRITICAL: 105)

|           LIBRARY           | VULNERABILITY ID | SEVERITY |     INSTALLED VERSION     |          FIXED VERSION           |                      TITLE                      |
| apt                         | CVE-2019-3462    | CRITICAL |                 |                        | Incorrect sanitation of the                     |
|                             |                  |          |                           |                                  | 302 redirect field in HTTP                      |
|                             |                  |          |                           |                                  | transport method of...                          |
| bash                        | CVE-2019-9924    | HIGH     | 4.3-11                    | 4.3-11+deb8u2                    | bash: BASH_CMD is writable in                   |
|                             |                  |          |                           |                                  | restricted bash shells                          |
+                             +------------------+          +                           +----------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
|                             | CVE-2016-7543    |          |                           | 4.3-11+deb8u1                    | bash: Specially crafted                         |
|                             |                  |          |                           |                                  | SHELLOPTS+PS4 variables allows                  |
|                             |                  |          |                           |                                  | command substitution                            |
+-----------------------------+------------------+          +---------------------------+----------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
| binutils                    | CVE-2017-8421    |          | 2.25-5                    |                                  | binutils: Memory exhaustion in                  |
|                             |                  |          |                           |                                  | objdump via a crafted PE file                   |
+                             +------------------+          +                           +----------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
|                             | CVE-2017-14930   |          |                           |                                  | binutils: Memory leak in                        |
|                             |                  |          |                           |                                  | decode_line_info                                |
+                             +------------------+          +                           +----------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
|                             | CVE-2017-7614    |          |                           |                                  | binutils: NULL                                  |
|                             |                  |          |                           |                                  | pointer dereference in                          |
|                             |                  |          |                           |                                  | bfd_elf_final_link function                     |
+                             +------------------+          +                           +----------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
|                             | CVE-2014-9939    |          |                           |                                  | binutils: buffer overflow in                    |
|                             |                  |          |                           |                                  | ihex.c                                          |
+                             +------------------+          +                           +----------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
|                             | CVE-2017-13716   |          |                           |                                  | binutils: Memory leak with the                  |
|                             |                  |          |                           |                                  | C++ symbol demangler routine                    |
|                             |                  |          |                           |                                  | in libiberty                                    |
+                             +------------------+          +                           +----------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
|                             | CVE-2018-12699   |          |                           |                                  | binutils: heap-based buffer                     |
|                             |                  |          |                           |                                  | overflow in finish_stab in                      |
|                             |                  |          |                           |                                  | stabs.c                                         |
+-----------------------------+------------------+          +---------------------------+----------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
| bsdutils                    | CVE-2015-5224    |          | 2.25.2-6                  |                                  | util-linux: File name                           |
|                             |                  |          |                           |                                  | collision due to incorrect                      |
|                             |                  |          |                           |                                  | mkstemp use                                     |
+                             +------------------+          +                           +----------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
|                             | CVE-2016-2779    |          |                           |                                  | util-linux: runuser tty hijack                  |
|                             |                  |          |                           |                                  | via TIOCSTI ioctl                               |
trivy config --severity HIGH,CRITICAL examples/misconf/mixed
2022-05-16T13:50:42.718+0100    INFO    Detected config files: 3

Dockerfile (dockerfile)
Tests: 17 (SUCCESSES: 16, FAILURES: 1)
Failures: 1 (HIGH: 1, CRITICAL: 0)

HIGH: Last USER command in Dockerfile should not be 'root'
Running containers with 'root' user can lead to a container escape situation. It is a best practice to run containers as non-root users, which can be done by adding a 'USER' statement to the Dockerfile.

   3 [ USER root

deployment.yaml (kubernetes)
Tests: 8 (SUCCESSES: 8, FAILURES: 0)
Failures: 0 (HIGH: 0, CRITICAL: 0) (terraform)
Tests: 1 (SUCCESSES: 0, FAILURES: 1)
Failures: 1 (HIGH: 0, CRITICAL: 1)

CRITICAL: Classic resources should not be used.
AWS Classic resources run in a shared environment with infrastructure owned by other AWS customers. You should run
resources in a VPC instead.

   2  resource "aws_db_security_group" "sg" {
   3    4  }

By Status

Scanner Supported

Trivy supports the following vulnerability statuses:

  • unknown
  • not_affected: this package is not affected by this vulnerability on this platform
  • affected: this package is affected by this vulnerability on this platform, but there is no patch released yet
  • fixed: this vulnerability is fixed on this platform
  • under_investigation: it is currently unknown whether or not this vulnerability affects this package on this platform, and it is under investigation
  • will_not_fix: this package is affected by this vulnerability on this platform, but there is currently no intention to fix it (this would primarily be for flaws that are of Low or Moderate impact that pose no significant risk to customers)
  • fix_deferred: this package is affected by this vulnerability on this platform, and may be fixed in the future
  • end_of_life: this package has been identified to contain the impacted component, but analysis to determine whether it is affected or not by this vulnerability was not performed

Note that vulnerabilities with the unknown, not_affected or under_investigation status are not detected. These are only defined for comprehensiveness, and you will not have the opportunity to specify these statuses.

Some statuses are supported in limited distributions.

OS Fixed Affected Under Investigation Will Not Fix Fix Deferred End of Life
Other OSes

To ignore vulnerabilities with specific statuses, use the --ignore-status <list_of_statuses> option.

$ trivy image --ignore-status affected,fixed ruby:2.4.0
2019-05-16T12:50:14.786+0900    INFO    Detecting Debian vulnerabilities...

ruby:2.4.0 (debian 8.7)
Total: 527 (UNKNOWN: 0, LOW: 276, MEDIUM: 83, HIGH: 158, CRITICAL: 10)

│           Library           │  Vulnerability   │ Severity │    Status    │     Installed Version      │ Fixed Version │                            Title                             │
│ binutils                    │ CVE-2014-9939    │ CRITICAL │ will_not_fix │ 2.25-5                     │               │ binutils: buffer overflow in ihex.c                          │
│                             │                  │          │              │                            │               │                    │
│                             ├──────────────────┤          │              │                            ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
│                             │ CVE-2017-6969    │          │              │                            │               │ binutils: Heap-based buffer over-read in readelf when        │
│                             │                  │          │              │                            │               │ processing corrupt RL78 binaries                             │
│                             │                  │          │              │                            │               │                    │
│                             ├──────────────────┤          │              │                            ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤


To skip all unfixed vulnerabilities, you can use the --ignore-unfixed flag . It is a shorthand of --ignore-status affected,will_not_fix,fix_deferred,end_of_life. It displays "fixed" vulnerabilities only.

$ trivy image --ignore-unfixed ruby:2.4.0


You can filter the results by

To show the suppressed results, use the --show-suppressed flag.


It's exported as ExperimentalModifiedFindings in the JSON output.

$ trivy image --vex debian11.csaf.vex --ignorefile .trivyignore.yaml --show-suppressed debian:11

Suppressed Vulnerabilities (Total: 9)

│    Library     Vulnerability  Severity     Status                      Statement                        Source       │
│ libdb5.3       CVE-2019-8457  CRITICAL  not_affected  vulnerable_code_not_in_execute_path          CSAF VEX          │
│ bsdutils       CVE-2022-0563  LOW       ignored       Accept the risk                              .trivyignore.yaml │
├───────────────┤                                                                                                       │
│ libblkid1                                                                                                            │
├───────────────┤                                                                                                       │
│ libmount1                                                                                                            │
├───────────────┤                                                                                                       │
│ libsmartcols1                                                                                                        │
├───────────────┤                                                                                                       │
│ libuuid1                                                                                                             │
├───────────────┤                                                                                                       │
│ mount                                                                                                                │
├───────────────┼───────────────┤                        ├─────────────────────────────────────────────┤                   │
│ tar            CVE-2005-2541                          The vulnerable configuration is not enabled                    │
├───────────────┼───────────────┤                        ├─────────────────────────────────────────────┤                   │
│ util-linux     CVE-2022-0563                          Accept the risk                                                │

By Finding IDs

Trivy supports the .trivyignore and .trivyignore.yaml ignore files.


Scanner Supported
$ cat .trivyignore
# Accept the risk

# Accept the risk until 2023-01-01
CVE-2019-14697 exp:2023-01-01

# No impact in our settings

# Ignore misconfigurations

# Ignore secrets
$ trivy image python:3.4-alpine3.9
2019-05-16T12:53:10.076+0900    INFO    Updating vulnerability database...
2019-05-16T12:53:28.134+0900    INFO    Detecting Alpine vulnerabilities...

python:3.4-alpine3.9 (alpine 3.9.2)
Total: 0 (UNKNOWN: 0, LOW: 0, MEDIUM: 0, HIGH: 0, CRITICAL: 0)


Scanner Supported


This feature might change without preserving backwards compatibility.

When the extension of the specified ignore file is either .yml or .yaml, Trivy will load the file as YAML. For the .trivyignore.yaml file, you can set ignored IDs separately for vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, secrets, or licenses1.

Available fields:

Field Required Type Description
id string The identifier of the vulnerability, misconfiguration, secret, or license1.
paths2 string array The list of file paths to ignore. If paths is not set, the ignore finding is applied to all files.
purls string array The list of PURLs to ignore packages. If purls is not set, the ignore finding is applied to all packages. This field is currently available only for vulnerabilities.
expired_at date (yyyy-mm-dd) The expiration date of the ignore finding. If expired_at is not set, the ignore finding is always valid.
statement string The reason for ignoring the finding. (This field is not used for filtering.)
$ cat .trivyignore.yaml
  - id: CVE-2022-40897
      - "usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/setuptools-58.1.0.dist-info/METADATA"
    statement: Accept the risk
  - id: CVE-2023-2650
  - id: CVE-2023-3446
  - id: CVE-2023-3817
      - "pkg:deb/debian/libssl1.1"
  - id: CVE-2023-29491
    expired_at: 2023-09-01

  - id: AVD-DS-0001
  - id: AVD-DS-0002
      - "docs/Dockerfile"
    statement: The image needs root privileges

  - id: aws-access-key-id
  - id: aws-secret-access-key
      - "foo/bar/aws.secret"

  - id: GPL-3.0 # License name is used as ID
      - "usr/share/gcc/python/libstdcxx/v6/"

Since this feature is experimental, you must explicitly specify the YAML file path using the --ignorefile flag. Once this functionality is stable, the YAML file will be loaded automatically.

$ trivy image --ignorefile ./.trivyignore.yaml python:3.9.16-alpine3.16
2023-08-31T11:10:27.155+0600    INFO    Vulnerability scanning is enabled
2023-08-31T11:10:27.155+0600    INFO    Secret scanning is enabled
2023-08-31T11:10:27.155+0600    INFO    If your scanning is slow, please try '--scanners vuln' to disable secret scanning
2023-08-31T11:10:27.155+0600    INFO    Please see also for faster secret detection
2023-08-31T11:10:29.164+0600    INFO    Detected OS: alpine
2023-08-31T11:10:29.164+0600    INFO    Detecting Alpine vulnerabilities...
2023-08-31T11:10:29.169+0600    INFO    Number of language-specific files: 1
2023-08-31T11:10:29.170+0600    INFO    Detecting python-pkg vulnerabilities...

python:3.9.16-alpine3.16 (alpine 3.16.5)
Total: 0 (UNKNOWN: 0, LOW: 0, MEDIUM: 0, HIGH: 0, CRITICAL: 0)

By Rego

Scanner Supported


This feature might change without preserving backwards compatibility.

Rego is a policy language that allows you to express decision logic in a concise syntax. Rego is part of the popular Open Policy Agent (OPA) CNCF project. For advanced filtering, Trivy allows you to use Rego language to filter vulnerabilities.

Use the --ignore-policy flag which takes a path to a Rego file that defines the filtering policy. The Rego package name must be trivy and it must include a "rule" named ignore which determines if each individual scan result should be excluded (ignore=true) or not (ignore=false). The input for the evaluation is each DetectedVulnerability and DetectedMisconfiguration.

A practical way to observe the filtering policy input in your case, is to run a scan with the --format json option and look at the resulting structure:

trivy image -f json centos:7

  "Results": [
      "Target": "centos:7 (centos 7.9.2009)",
      "Class": "os-pkgs",
      "Type": "centos",
      "Vulnerabilities": [
          "VulnerabilityID": "CVE-2015-5186",
          "PkgID": "audit-libs@2.8.5-4.el7.x86_64",
          "PkgName": "audit-libs",
          "InstalledVersion": "2.8.5-4.el7",
          "Layer": {
            "Digest": "sha256:2d473b07cdd5f0912cd6f1a703352c82b512407db6b05b43f2553732b55df3bc",
            "DiffID": "sha256:174f5685490326fc0a1c0f5570b8663732189b327007e47ff13d2ca59673db02"
          "SeveritySource": "redhat",
          "PrimaryURL": "",
          "Title": "log terminal emulator escape sequences handling",
          "Description": "Audit before 2.4.4 in Linux does not sanitize escape characters in filenames.",
          "Severity": "MEDIUM",
          "CweIDs": [

Each individual Vulnerability, Misconfiguration, License and Secret (under Results.Vulnerabilities, Results.Misconfigurations, Results.Licenses, Results.Secrets) is evaluated for exclusion or inclusion by the ignore rule.

The following is a Rego ignore policy that filters out every vulnerability with a specific CWE ID (as seen in the JSON example above):

package trivy

default ignore = false

ignore {
    input.CweIDs[_] == "CWE-20"
trivy image --ignore-policy examples/ignore-policies/basic.rego centos:7

For more advanced use cases, there is a built-in Rego library with helper functions that you can import into your policy using: import data.lib.trivy. More info about the helper functions are in the library here.

You can create a whitelist of checks using Rego, see the detailed example. Additional examples are available here.

By Vulnerability Exploitability Exchange (VEX)

Scanner Supported

Please refer to the VEX documentation for the details.

  1. license name is used as id for .trivyignore.yaml files. 

  2. This doesn't work for os package licenses (e.g. apk, dpkg, rpm). For projects which manage dependencies through a dependency file (e.g. go.mod, yarn.lock) path should point to that particular file.