To scan a previously built image that has already been pushed into the
GitLab container registry the following CI job manifest can be used.
Note that entrypoint needs to be unset for the script section to work.
In case of a non-public GitLab project Trivy additionally needs to
authenticate to the registry to be able to pull your application image.
Finally, it is not necessary to clone the project repo as we only work
with the container image.[""]variables:# No need to clone the repo, we exclusively work on artifacts. See#"$CI_REGISTRY_USER"TRIVY_PASSWORD:"$CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD"TRIVY_AUTH_URL:"$CI_REGISTRY"TRIVY_NO_PROGRESS:"true"TRIVY_CACHE_DIR:".trivycache/"FULL_IMAGE_NAME:$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUGscript:-trivy --version# update vulnerabilities db-time trivy image --download-db-only# Builds report and puts it in the default workdir $CI_PROJECT_DIR, so `artifacts:` can take it from there-time trivy image --exit-code 0 --format template --template "@/contrib/gitlab.tpl"--output "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/gl-container-scanning-report.json" "$FULL_IMAGE_NAME"# Prints full report-time trivy image --exit-code 0 "$FULL_IMAGE_NAME"# Fail on critical vulnerabilities-time trivy image --exit-code 1 --severity CRITICAL "$FULL_IMAGE_NAME"cache:paths:-.trivycache/# Enables (Container Scanning report is available on GitLab EE Ultimate or Gold)artifacts:when:alwaysreports:container_scanning:gl-container-scanning-report.jsontags:-docker-runner
Depending on the edition of gitlab you have or your desired workflow, the
container scanning template may not meet your needs. As an addition to the
above container scanning template, a template for
code climate
has been included. The key things to update from the above examples are
the template and report type. An updated example is below.
Currently gitlab only supports a single code quality report. There is an
open feature request
to support multiple reports. Until this has been implemented, if you
already have a code quality report in your pipeline, you can use
jq to combine reports. Depending on how you name your artifacts, it may
be necessary to rename the artifact if you want to reuse the name. To then
combine the previous artifact with the output of trivy, the following jq
command can be used, jq -s 'add' prev-codeclimate.json trivy-codeclimate.json > gl-codeclimate.json.
You'll be able to see a full report in the GitLab pipeline code quality UI, where filesystem vulnerabilities and misconfigurations include links to the flagged files and image vulnerabilities report the image/os or runtime/library that the vulnerability originates from instead.