An instance of the RbacAssessmentReport represents checks performed by configuration auditing tools, such as Trivy, against a Kubernetes RBAC assessment. For example, check that a given Role does not expose permission to secrets for all groups.
Each report is owned by the underlying Kubernetes object and is stored in the same namespace, following the
naming convention.
The following listing shows a sample RbacAssessmentReport associated with the Role named role-868458b9d6
in the
apiVersion: aquasecurity.github.io/v1alpha1
kind: RbacAssessmentReport
trivy-operator.resource.name: system:controller:token-cleaner
creationTimestamp: "2022-07-04T07:23:07Z"
generation: 1
plugin-config-hash: 659b7b9c46
resource-spec-hash: 59b6bf95c6
trivy-operator.resource.kind: Role
trivy-operator.resource.name-hash: 868458b9d6
trivy-operator.resource.namespace: default
name: role-868458b9d6
namespace: kube-system
- apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
blockOwnerDeletion: false
controller: true
kind: Role
name: system:controller:token-cleaner
uid: 44c6229b-d410-4bc5-9529-fff41de39d03
resourceVersion: "7301"
uid: 372d7c32-795f-4180-ae84-efd931efaf6e
- category: Kubernetes Security Check
checkID: KSV051
description: Check whether role permits creating role bindings and associating
to privileged role/clusterrole
- ""
severity: HIGH
success: true
title: Do not allow role binding creation and association with privileged role/clusterrole
- category: Kubernetes Security Check
checkID: KSV056
description: The ability to control which pods get service traffic directed to
them allows for interception attacks. Controlling network policy allows for
bypassing lateral movement restrictions.
- ""
severity: HIGH
success: true
title: Do not allow management of networking resources
- category: Kubernetes Security Check
checkID: KSV041
description: Check whether role permits managing secrets
- Role permits management of secret(s)
severity: CRITICAL
success: false
title: Do not allow management of secrets
- category: Kubernetes Security Check
checkID: KSV047
description: Check whether role permits privilege escalation from node proxy
- ""
severity: HIGH
success: true
title: Do not allow privilege escalation from node proxy
- category: Kubernetes Security Check
checkID: KSV045
description: Check whether role permits wildcard verb on specific resources
- ""
severity: CRITICAL
success: true
title: No wildcard verb roles
- category: Kubernetes Security Check
checkID: KSV054
description: Check whether role permits attaching to shell on pods
- ""
severity: HIGH
success: true
title: Do not allow attaching to shell on pods
- category: Kubernetes Security Check
checkID: KSV044
description: Check whether role permits wildcard verb on wildcard resource
- ""
severity: CRITICAL
success: true
title: No wildcard verb and resource roles
- category: Kubernetes Security Check
checkID: KSV050
description: An effective level of access equivalent to cluster-admin should not
be provided.
- ""
severity: CRITICAL
success: true
title: Do not allow management of RBAC resources
- category: Kubernetes Security Check
checkID: KSV046
description: Check whether role permits specific verb on wildcard resources
- ""
severity: CRITICAL
success: true
title: No wildcard resource roles
- category: Kubernetes Security Check
checkID: KSV055
description: Check whether role permits allowing users in a rolebinding to add
other users to their rolebindings
- ""
severity: LOW
success: true
title: Do not allow users in a rolebinding to add other users to their rolebindings
- category: Kubernetes Security Check
checkID: KSV052
description: Check whether role permits creating role ClusterRoleBindings and
association with privileged cluster role
- ""
severity: HIGH
success: true
title: Do not allow role to create ClusterRoleBindings and association with privileged
- category: Kubernetes Security Check
checkID: KSV053
description: Check whether role permits getting shell on pods
- ""
severity: HIGH
success: true
title: Do not allow getting shell on pods
- category: Kubernetes Security Check
checkID: KSV042
description: Used to cover attacker’s tracks, but most clusters ship logs quickly
- ""
severity: MEDIUM
success: true
title: Do not allow deletion of pod logs
- category: Kubernetes Security Check
checkID: KSV049
description: Some workloads leverage configmaps to store sensitive data or configuration
parameters that affect runtime behavior that can be modified by an attacker
or combined with another issue to potentially lead to compromise.
- ""
severity: MEDIUM
success: true
title: Do not allow management of configmaps
- category: Kubernetes Security Check
checkID: KSV043
description: Check whether role permits impersonating privileged groups
- ""
severity: CRITICAL
success: true
title: Do not allow impersonation of privileged groups
- category: Kubernetes Security Check
checkID: KSV048
description: Check whether role permits update/create of a malicious pod
- ""
severity: HIGH
success: true
title: Do not allow update/create of a malicious pod
name: Trivy
vendor: Aqua Security
version: '0.60.0'
criticalCount: 1
highCount: 0
lowCount: 0
mediumCount: 0
updateTimestamp: null