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Docker for Mac

Docker for Mac does not come with Kernel headers. You need to do the following to make Tracee work:

  1. Identify your docker version:
    dockerver=$(docker version | grep  Version | head -n 1 | cut -d ':' -f 2 | xargs)
  2. Run a container with Docker CLI, while mounting to the host path:
    docker run -it -v /:/host -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock docker:$dockerver /bin/sh
  3. Get the Kernel Header files from the linuxkit Docker image and copy it to the host /usr/src path:
    mkdir /host/kheader
    cd /host/kheader
    linux_version="${VERSION:-$(uname -r | cut -d - -f 1)}"
    docker pull "linuxkit/kernel:$linux_version"
    docker save "linuxkit/kernel:$linux_version" > "linuxkit.tar"
    tar -xf "linuxkit.tar"
    layertar=$(find . -name layer.tar)
    tar -xf "$layertar"
    tar -xf "kernel-dev.tar" --directory /host/
  4. You can now run Tracee on your Docker for Mac