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Kubernetes TLS Certificate Theft Detection


The KubernetesCertificateTheftAttempt signature is designed to detect unauthorized access or potential theft of Kubernetes Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificates. Kubernetes relies on TLS certificates for secure communication between its components. Any unauthorized access or movement of these certificates can potentially allow an adversary to impersonate Kubernetes components within the cluster, jeopardizing its security.


TLS certificates are foundational to establishing trust between systems. Kubernetes uses these certificates to ensure secure communication pathways between different components, such as the kubelet scheduler, controller, and the API Server. The theft or misuse of these certificates can give adversaries undue access or the ability to masquerade as legitimate Kubernetes components.

The KubernetesCertificateTheftAttempt signature vigilantly monitors file access patterns and renaming activities in the Kubernetes certificate directory to catch any unauthorized or suspicious activities.


The primary aim of the KubernetesCertificateTheftAttempt signature is to ensure real-time detection of unauthorized access to Kubernetes TLS certificates. By proactively identifying potential theft or misuse, security teams can promptly respond to contain the breach and safeguard the cluster.


  • ID: TRC-1018
  • Version: 1
  • Name: K8s TLS certificate theft detected
  • EventName: k8s_cert_theft
  • Description: Theft of Kubernetes TLS certificates was recognized. These certificates play a pivotal role in establishing trust and secure communication within the Kubernetes cluster. If compromised, adversaries can impersonate legitimate Kubernetes components.
  • Properties:
  • Severity: 3 (Moderate to high threat level)
  • Category: credential-access
  • Technique: Steal Application Access Token
  • Kubernetes_Technique: N/A
  • id: attack-pattern--890c9858-598c-401d-a4d5-c67ebcdd703a
  • external_id: T1528


When a potential unauthorized access to Kubernetes TLS certificates is detected, the signature generates a Finding data structure, encompassing:

  • SigMetadata: Metadata detailing the perceived threat as per the signature's specifications.
  • Event: A detailed log of the event that triggered the detection.
  • Data: Presently marked as nil, indicating that there isn't any additional data supporting the detection.

Events Used

The signature primarily monitors the following events:

  • security_file_open: This event is triggered when there's an attempt to open a file. The signature inspects if the operation pertains to reading and if the file path aligns with Kubernetes certificates. It also ensures that only legitimate processes can access the certificates.
  • security_inode_rename: Engaged when there's a renaming activity within the inode. The signature checks if the old path of the renamed item corresponds with the Kubernetes certificate directory.