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Every policy must have a defaultAction. Actions are taken when there is match on some rule declared at the policy. The following actions are currently supported:

  • log - output events in a specified foramt (table, json etc) - default is table. The path to file is stdout.
  • forward - send events in json format using the Forward protocol to a Fluent receiver
  • webhook - send events in json format to the webhook url

Log action:

By default the log action will output table to stdout, but it can be configured with the --output flag. For example we have a policy log dropped_executable events:

name: log_sample_policy
description: log sample policy
  - global
defaultAction: log
  - event: dropped_executable

if we start tracee it will log table to stdout:

tracee --policy policy.yaml

To customize it, we use the --output flag, for example, instead of table we would like to log a json to stdout:

tracee --policy policy.yaml --output json

Or to send json logs to a file:

tracee --policy policy.yaml --output json:/path/to/file

In order to use the other actions, we are obligated to declare their outputs before:

Webook action:

name: webhook_sample_policy
description: webhook_sample_policy
  - global
defaultAction: webhook
  - event: dropped_executable
tracee --policy policy.yaml --output webhook:http://localhost:8080

Forward action:

For the forward action:

name: forward_sample_policy
description: forward_sample_policy
  - global
defaultAction: forward
  - event: dropped_executable
tracee --policy policy.yaml --output forward:tcp://localhost:24224

Multiple outputs

Tracee supports multiple outputs, and when used with policies, we have a broadcast by type. For example, if you declared an output to json stdout and an output table to a file, the log action will broadcast the event matched to both outputs.

name: log_sample_policy
description: log sample policy
  - global
defaultAction: log
  - event: dropped_executable
tracee --policy policy.yaml --output json:stdout --output table:/path/to/file


Although we have shown examples of configuring outputs with the flag --output, the same can be done with tracee's config file.

Rule Actions

A Rule can override default action of a policy. For example, if you create a policy which by default will log, we can change a rule to send a webhook if a match happens.


name: override_action_sample
description: override action sample
  - global
defaultAction: log
  - event: dropped_executable
     - webhook