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sched_rr_get_interval - get the time quantum for a given pid.


This syscall is used to get the current time quantum for the real-time scheduler for a given process. This allows for useful information about the scheduling policy for a particular process to be retrieved. Additionally, this syscall can be used in debugging applications to help identify exactly which process is consuming resources in an unexpected way.

There are, however, some caveats to using this syscall. On some operating systems, the time quantum may not be reset when a real-time process is stopped or suspended. This can lead to unexpected behavior if a process is stopped or suspended in the middle of its time quantum. There are also some caveats with regard to pre-emption on some operating systems with regard to real-time processes, so care should be taken to ensure that any processes using this syscall will not suffer any ill effects due to pre-emption.


  • pid:pid_t - the pid of the process for which the time quantum should be retrieved.
  • tp:struct timespec*[U] - a pointer to a timespec structure which will be filled in with the time quantum for the process.

Available Tags

  • K - Originated from kernel-space.
  • U - Originated from user space (for example, pointer to user space memory used to get it)
  • TOCTOU - Vulnerable to TOCTOU (time of check, time of use)
  • OPT - Optional argument - might not always be available (passed with null value)






Debugging and monitoring purposes.

Example Use Case

sched_rr_get_interval can be used to retrieve the time quantum of a real-time process that is consuming more resources than expected.


On some operating systems, the time quantum may not be reset when a real-time process is stopped or suspended. This can lead to unexpected behavior if a process is stopped or suspended in the middle of its time quantum.

  • sched_setscheduler()
  • sched_getparam()
  • sched_getaffinity()

This document was automatically generated by OpenAI and needs review. It might not be accurate and might contain errors. The authors of Tracee recommend that the user reads the "events.go" source file to understand the events and their arguments better.