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request_key - create or update an object based on a given type, description and callout information.


request_key is a system call used to create an object of a given type, with a specified description, and callout information that could be used by a userspace program to process that object. The call will return a key serial, which is the id associated with the created object. The request key call can also be used to update an existing object; this is done by providing the same type and description, and an updated callout info, and the key serial of the object needing to be updated.


  • type:const char*[K] - the type of the object.
  • description:const char*[K] - description of the object.
  • callout_info:const char*[K] - callout information that can be processed by an userspace program.
  • dest_keyring:key_serial_t[K] - the key serial of the keyring that will receive the new/updated object (defaults to the current thread keyring).

Available Tags

  • K - Originated from kernel-space.






To trace and log the creation/update of an object passed to the request_key system call.

Example Use Case

A use case example for request_key is an authentication system or encryption program. request_key can be called with the callout_info set to the user information and encrypted with the users public key, allowing the userspace application to verify the caller is the same user that encrypted the object.


request_key could be vulnerable to TOCTOU attack, where the value of the object being updated is checked before the update and then changed before the update finishes its operations.

  • keyctl_describe_key - get information about a given key.
  • keyctl_delete_key - delete a key.
  • keyctl_read - read the contents of a key.

This document was automatically generated by OpenAI and needs review. It might not be accurate and might contain errors. The authors of Tracee recommend that the user reads the "events.go" source file to understand the events and their arguments better.