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security_socket_setsockopt - check permissions before setting the options associated with socket


The event marks that an attempt to set a socket option occurred, probably by the setsockopt syscall. The event is triggered by the permissions check for the operation, as LSM hook. The event gives insight to the socket details (which differs from the setsockopt syscall event, that only pass the socket fd). However, unlike the setsockopt syscall event, the option value isn't passed.


  • sockfd:int[K] - the file descriptor of the socket.
  • level:int[K] - the level that the option should apply to. If the parse-arguments option is on, will be transformed to a string with the level name.
  • optname:int[K] - the option that is set. If the parse-arguments option is on, will be transformed to a string with the option name.
  • local_addr:struct socketaddr*[K] - the details of the socket (like socket type, local IP and port for TCP/UDP sockets, etc.).




LSM Hook


The LSM hook of the setsockopt syscall implementation.

setsockopt, getsockopt