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Tracing Scopes (workloads)

Scopes allow you to have more granularity and flexibility when filtering events. Up to 64 scopes (workloads) can be used at the same time.

If one of your filters doesn't match, the event will be filtered out, as they work together in a short circuit. However, you can use multiple sets of filters, called scopes, by adding a number and a colon before the filter flags, such as 1:. In this way, you can have different workloads that mix different types of filters.

The main filtering logic, ANDed filters, remains the same within a scope. But the result of multi-scopes is ORed, which enables you to have granularity.

Scopes matches

To determine which scopes an event is related to, you can check the bitmask using:

  1. -o format:json, via matchedScopes JSON field (in decimal).
  2. -o format:table-verbose, via SCOPES column (in hexadecimal).

For instance, an event with the matchedScopes value of 35 (decimal), tells you that this event matches the 1st, 2nd, and 6th scopes.

bc <<< "obase=2; 35"
^   ^^
6   21 (scope number)


Single scope (the same of not using the scope prefix)

Trace in scope 42 sched_process_exec events from /usr/bin/ls binary:

sudo ./dist/tracee \
-f 42:event=sched_process_exec -f 42:binary=/usr/bin/ls \
-o format:table-verbose
TIME             SCOPES            UTS_NAME          CONTAINER_ID  MNT_NS       PID_NS       UID    COMM             PID     TID     PPID    RET              EVENT                ARGS
20:09:15:041923  0000020000000000  hb                             4026531841   4026531836   1000   ls               470751  470751  470503  0                sched_process_exec   cmdpath: /usr/bin/ls, pathname: /usr/bin/ls, dev: 271581189, inode: 3933037, ctime: 1668553120490241295, inode_mode: 33261, argv: [ls --color=auto], interp: /usr/bin/ls, stdin_type: S_IFCHR, stdin_path: /dev/pts/2, invoked_from_kernel: 0


If you don't prefix the filter, event=sched_process_exec, Tracee will consider that event to be part of scope 1. As a result, it can be omitted for single scope usage.


Detached workloads

  1. Trace in scope 3 only sched_process_exit events from id command and trace in scope 9 only sched_process_exit events from ls command:

    sudo ./dist/tracee \
    -f 3:event=sched_process_exit -f 3:comm=id \
    -f 9:event=sched_process_exit -f 9:comm=ls \
    -o format:table-verbose
    TIME             SCOPES            UTS_NAME          CONTAINER_ID  MNT_NS       PID_NS       UID    COMM             PID     TID     PPID    RET              EVENT                ARGS
    20:14:57:074270  0000000000000004  hb                             4026531841   4026531836   1000   id               471990  471990  470503  0                sched_process_exit   exit_code: 0, process_group_exit: true
    20:14:59:709468  0000000000000100  hb                             4026531841   4026531836   1000   ls               472033  472033  470503  0                sched_process_exit   exit_code: 0, process_group_exit: true
  2. Trace in scope 6 only openat events from id command and trace in scope 7 only close events from id command:

    sudo ./dist/tracee \
    -f 6:event=openat -f 6:comm=id \
    -f 7:event=close -f 7:comm=id \
    -o format:table-verbose
    TIME             SCOPES            UTS_NAME          CONTAINER_ID  MNT_NS       PID_NS       UID    COMM             PID     TID     PPID    RET              EVENT                ARGS
    20:23:22:794235  0000000000000020  hb                             4026531841   4026531836   1000   id               473432  473432  295394  3                openat               dirfd: -100, pathname: /etc/, flags: O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC, mode: 0
    20:23:22:794246  0000000000000040  hb                             4026531841   4026531836   1000   id               473432  473432  295394  0                close                fd: 3
  3. Trace in scope 3 only anti_debugging events from all, trace in scope 5 only net_packet_icmp events from ping command, and trace in scope 9 only ptrace events from all.

    sudo ./dist/tracee \
    -f 3:event=anti_debugging \
    -f 5:event=net_packet_icmp -f 5:comm=ping \
    -f 9:event=ptrace \
    -o format:table-verbose
    TIME             SCOPES            UTS_NAME          CONTAINER_ID  MNT_NS       PID_NS       UID    COMM             PID     TID     PPID    RET              EVENT                ARGS
    20:59:54:105722  0000000000000010  hb                             4026531841   4026531836   1000   ping             480539  480539  295394  0                net_packet_icmp      src:, dst:, proto_icmp: {EchoRequest 36097 22 1}
    20:59:54:129919  0000000000000010  hb                             4026531841   4026531836   1000   ping             480539  480539  295394  0                net_packet_icmp      src:, dst:, proto_icmp: {EchoReply 38145 22 1}
    20:59:57:941107  0000000000000100  hb                             4026531841   4026531836   1000   strace           480614  480614  295394  0                ptrace               request: PTRACE_SEIZE, pid: 480615, addr: 0x0, data: 0x0
    20:59:57:941424  0000000000000100  hb                             4026531841   4026531836   1000   strace           480616  480616  480614  0                ptrace               request: PTRACE_TRACEME, pid: 0, addr: 0x0, data: 0x0
    20:59:57:941424  0000000000000004  hb                             4026531841   4026531836   1000   strace           480616  480616  480614  0                anti_debugging       request: PTRACE_TRACEME, pid: 0, addr: 0x0, data: 0x0

Intertwined workloads

  1. Trace in scope 3 only sched_process_exit events from id command and trace in scope 9 only sched_process_exit events from all:

    sudo ./dist/tracee \
    -f 3:event=sched_process_exit -f 3:comm=id \
    -f 9:event=sched_process_exit \
    -o format:table-verbose
    TIME             SCOPES            UTS_NAME          CONTAINER_ID  MNT_NS       PID_NS       UID    COMM             PID     TID     PPID    RET              EVENT                ARGS
    20:26:50:435805  0000000000000100  hb                             4026531841   4026531836   1000   sleep            474130  474130  474129  0                sched_process_exit   exit_code: 0, process_group_exit: true
    20:26:50:439402  0000000000000104  hb                             4026531841   4026531836   1000   id               474129  474129  295394  0                sched_process_exit   exit_code: 0, process_group_exit: true
    20:26:50:457932  0000000000000100  hb                             4026531841   4026531836   1000   pkgfile          474162  474166  474161  0                sched_process_exit   exit_code: 0, process_group_exit: false
  2. Trace in scope 3 only net_packet_icmp events from containers and trace in scope 5 only net_packet_icmp events from all:

    sudo ./dist/tracee \
    -f 3:event=net_packet_icmp -f 3:container \
    -f 5:event=net_packet_icmp \
    -o format:table-verbose
    TIME             SCOPES            UTS_NAME          CONTAINER_ID  MNT_NS       PID_NS       UID    COMM             PID/host        TID/host        PPID/host       RET              EVENT                ARGS
    22:06:47:106058  0000000000000010  hb                             4026531841   4026531836   1000   ping             902452 /902452  902452 /902452  902386 /902386  0                net_packet_icmp      src:, dst:, proto_icmp: {EchoRequest 6891 39 1}
    22:06:47:131362  0000000000000010  hb                             4026531841   4026531836   1000   ping             902452 /902452  902452 /902452  902386 /902386  0                net_packet_icmp      src:, dst:, proto_icmp: {EchoReply 8939 39 1}
    22:06:54:878971  0000000000000014  e9cf0db70635     e9cf0db70635  4026532904   4026532908   0      ping             8      /902559  8      /902559  1      /899413  0                net_packet_icmp      src:, dst:, proto_icmp: {EchoRequest 38257 8 0}
    22:06:54:902975  0000000000000014  e9cf0db70635     e9cf0db70635  4026532904   4026532908   0      ping             8      /902559  8      /902559  1      /899413  0                net_packet_icmp      src:, dst:, proto_icmp: {EchoReply 40305 8 0}
  3. Trace in scope 3 anti_debugging and ptrace events from all, trace in scope 5 only net_packet_icmp events from ping command, and trace in scope 9 only ptrace events from all.

    sudo ./dist/tracee \
    -f 3:event=anti_debugging,ptrace \
    -f 5:event=net_packet_icmp -f 5:comm=ping \
    -f 9:event=ptrace \
    -o format:table-verbose
    TIME             SCOPES            UTS_NAME          CONTAINER_ID  MNT_NS       PID_NS       UID    COMM             PID     TID     PPID    RET              EVENT                ARGS
    22:13:20:854132  0000000000000010  hb                             4026531841   4026531836   1000   ping             903291  903291  903233  0                net_packet_icmp      src:, dst:, proto_icmp: {EchoRequest 22398 40 1}
    22:13:20:876449  0000000000000010  hb                             4026531841   4026531836   1000   ping             903291  903291  903233  0                net_packet_icmp      src:, dst:, proto_icmp: {EchoReply 24446 40 1}
    22:13:28:877929  0000000000000104  hb                             4026531841   4026531836   1000   strace           903353  903353  903233  0                ptrace               request: PTRACE_SEIZE, pid: 903354, addr: 0x0, data: 0x0
    22:13:28:878450  0000000000000104  hb                             4026531841   4026531836   1000   strace           903355  903355  903353  0                ptrace               request: PTRACE_TRACEME, pid: 0, addr: 0x0, data: 0x0
    22:13:28:878450  0000000000000004  hb                             4026531841   4026531836   1000   strace           903355  903355  903353  0                anti_debugging       request: PTRACE_TRACEME, pid: 0, addr: 0x0, data: 0x0