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tracee --cache - Select different cache types for the event pipeline queueing


tracee --cache [none|cache-type=<type>] [--cache mem-cache-size=<size>]


The --cache flag allows you to select different cache types for the event pipeline queueing.

Possible options for cache-type are:

  • none: No event caching in the pipeline (default) - similar to --cache none.
  • mem: Enables caching events in memory.

If cache-type=mem is chosen, you can also set the memory cache size in megabytes (MB) using the mem-cache-size option. This option only works when cache-type=mem.


  • To cache events in memory using the default values, use the following flag:
--cache cache-type=mem
  • To cache events in memory and set the memory cache size to 1024 MB, use the following flag:
--cache cache-type=mem --cache mem-cache-size=1024
  • To disable event caching in the pipeline, use the following flag:
--cache none