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Default Severity: high


When working with a server, you’ll likely spend most of your time in a terminal session connected to your server through SSH. A more secure alternative to password-based logins, SSH keys use encryption to provide a secure way of logging into your server and are recommended for all users.

Possible Impact

Logging in with username and password is easier to compromise

Suggested Resolution

Use ssh keys for login

Insecure Example

The following example will fail the digitalocean-droplet-use-ssh-keys check.

 resource "digitalocean_droplet" "good_example" {
    image    = "ubuntu-18-04-x64"
    name     = "web-1"
    region   = "nyc2"
    size     = "s-1vcpu-1gb"

Secure Example

The following example will pass the digitalocean-droplet-use-ssh-keys check.

 data "digitalocean_ssh_key" "terraform" {
    name = "myKey"

 resource "digitalocean_droplet" "good_example" {
    image    = "ubuntu-18-04-x64"
    name     = "web-1"
    region   = "nyc2"
    size     = "s-1vcpu-1gb"
    ssh_keys = [ ]