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Default Severity: medium


DynamoDB tables should be protected against accidentally or malicious write/delete actions by ensuring that there is adequate protection.

By enabling point-in-time-recovery you can restore to a known point in the event of loss of data.

Possible Impact

Accidental or malicious writes and deletes can't be rolled back

Suggested Resolution

Enable point in time recovery

Insecure Example

The following example will fail the aws-dynamodb-enable-recovery check.

 resource "aws_dynamodb_table" "bad_example" {
    name             = "example"
    hash_key         = "TestTableHashKey"
    billing_mode     = "PAY_PER_REQUEST"
    stream_enabled   = true
    stream_view_type = "NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES"

    attribute {
      name = "TestTableHashKey"
      type = "S"

Secure Example

The following example will pass the aws-dynamodb-enable-recovery check.

 resource "aws_dynamodb_table" "good_example" {
    name             = "example"
    hash_key         = "TestTableHashKey"
    billing_mode     = "PAY_PER_REQUEST"
    stream_enabled   = true
    stream_view_type = "NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES"

    attribute {
      name = "TestTableHashKey"
      type = "S"

    point_in_time_recovery {
        enabled = true