Default Severity: critical
Space bucket and bucket object permissions should be set to deny public access unless explicitly required.
Possible Impact
The contents of the space can be accessed publicly
Suggested Resolution
Apply a more restrictive ACL
Insecure Example
The following example will fail the digitalocean-spaces-acl-no-public-read check.
resource "digitalocean_spaces_bucket" "bad_example" {
name = "public_space"
region = "nyc3"
acl = "public-read"
resource "digitalocean_spaces_bucket_object" "index" {
region = digitalocean_spaces_bucket.bad_example.region
bucket =
key = "index.html"
content = "<html><body><p>This page is empty.</p></body></html>"
content_type = "text/html"
acl = "public-read"
Secure Example
The following example will pass the digitalocean-spaces-acl-no-public-read check.
resource "digitalocean_spaces_bucket" "good_example" {
name = "private_space"
region = "nyc3"
acl = "private"
resource "digitalocean_spaces_bucket_object" "index" {
region = digitalocean_spaces_bucket.good_example.region
bucket =
key = "index.html"
content = "<html><body><p>This page is empty.</p></body></html>"
content_type = "text/html"