add-description-to-security-group Missing description for security group.
add-description-to-security-group-rule Missing description for security group rule.
enable-at-rest-encryption Instance with unencrypted block device.
enable-launch-config-at-rest-encryption Launch configuration with unencrypted block device.
enable-volume-encryption EBS volumes must be encrypted
enforce-http-token-imds aws_instance should activate session tokens for Instance Metadata Service.
enforce-launch-config-http-token-imds aws_instance should activate session tokens for Instance Metadata Service.
no-default-vpc AWS best practice to not use the default VPC for workflows
no-excessive-port-access An ingress Network ACL rule allows ALL ports.
no-public-egress-sgr An egress security group rule allows traffic to /0.
no-public-ingress-acl An ingress Network ACL rule allows specific ports from /0.
no-public-ingress-sgr An ingress security group rule allows traffic from /0.
no-public-ip Launch configuration should not have a public IP address.
no-public-ip-subnet Instances in a subnet should not receive a public IP address by default.
no-secrets-in-launch-template-user-data User data for EC2 instances must not contain sensitive AWS keys
no-secrets-in-user-data User data for EC2 instances must not contain sensitive AWS keys
no-sensitive-info Ensure all data stored in the launch configuration EBS is securely encrypted
volume-encryption-customer-key EBS volume encryption should use Customer Managed Keys