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Design Documents

An index of various (informal) design and explanation documents that were created for different purposes. Mainly to brainstorm how Starboard works.

NOTE This is not an official documentation of Starboard. Some design documents may be out of date.


File Description [DRAFT] Caching Scan Results by Image Reference Scan Container Images with Trivy Filesystem Scanner Schedule vulnerability scan jobs in the same namespace as scanned workload
design_scan_by_image_digest.png Design of vulnerability scanning by image digest (ContainerStatus vs PodSpec).
design_starboard_at_scale.png Design of Starboard Operator at scale with more efficient worker queue.
design_vulnerability_scanning_2.0.png Design of most efficient vulnerability scanning that you can imagine.
explain_starboard_rescan_jitter.png Explain a preferred way to rescan (evenly distributed vs bursty events).
explain_starboard_cli_init.png Explain which K8s API object are created when the starboard init command is executed.
design_namespace_security_report.pdf Design of a security report generated by Starboard CLI for a given namespace.