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Trivy AWS CSPM Scanning


In this walkthrough, we will setup AWS Cloud Scanning with Trivy and send the results to Postee, which in turn will send the results to AWS Security Hub, a CSPM product by AWS.


A DevOps team would like to configure alerts for their Cloud Security Posture in order to know if they are following the best security practices. This is especially important in those scenarios where compliance can fall out of place during active usage. For this they decide to install Trivy, and use the AWS Scanning feature to send the results to Postee.

They decide to configure Postee so that upon receiving such alerts, Postee can action upon them as desired but also report them upstream to the AWS Security Hub for further analysis and triage.


Sample Configs

In this case a sample configuration for the components can be described as follows:

Postee Config

Postee Actions dispatches calls via the HTTP Action to 3 different AWS Lambda URLs. These requests are performed in parallel. In addition, the operator is performed of the trigger and notified via a Slack message.

- type: awssecurityhub
  enable: true
  name: Send Findings to Security Hub
- name: Send Trivy Findings to AWS Security Hub
  template: raw-json
  - Send Findings to Security Hub
  - Trivy AWS Findings
- name: raw-json
  rego-package: postee.rawmessage.json
- name: Trivy AWS Findings
name: Send Trivy Results to AWS Security Hub


Currently Postee AWS Security Hub configuration only supports reading AWS Credentials from the AWS config file present on disk.

AWS Security Hub configuration

AWS Security Hub can be configured using the instructions as defined here


AWS Security Hub only accepts Trivy findings from the AWS account that is associated with the findings. The identifier of the associated account is the value of the AwsAccountId attribute for the finding.

Trivy Webhook Plugin

Trivy Webhook Plugin is a Trivy plugin that lets you send Trivy scan results to a webhook listening on an endpoint. In this case we can make use of it as follows:

Install the plugin

trivy plugin install

Run the Trivy scan using the plugin

trivy webhook -- --url=<postee-endpoint> -- <trivy args>