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To run Postee you will first need to configure the Postee Configuration File, which contains all the message routing logic. After the configuration file is ready, you can run the official Postee container image: aquasec/postee:latest, or compile it from source.

There are different options to mount your customize configuration file to Postee - if running as a Docker container, then you simply mount the configuration files as a volume mount. If running as a Kubernetes deployment, you will need to mount it as a ConfigMap. See the below usage examples for how to run Postee on different scenarios.

After Postee will run, it will expose two endpoints, HTTP and HTTPS. You can send your JSON messages to these endpoints, where they will be delivered to their target system based on the defined rules.


To run Postee as a Docker container, you mount the cfg.yaml to '/config/cfg.yaml' path in the Postee container.

docker run -d --name=postee -v /<path to configuration file>/cfg.yaml:/config/cfg.yaml \
    -e POSTEE_CFG=/config/cfg.yaml -e POSTEE_HTTP= -e POSTEE_HTTPS= \
    -p 8084:8084 -p 8444:8444 aquasec/postee:latest


When running Postee on Kubernetes, the configuration file is passed as a ConfigMap that is mounted to the Postee pod.

Cloud Providers

kubectl create -f

Using HostPath

kubectl create -f

To edit the default Postee-UI user

kubectl -n postee set env deployment/my-posteeui -e POSTEE_ADMIN_USER=testabc -e POSTEE_ADMIN_PASSWORD=password

The Postee endpoints


The Postee-UI endpoint



When running Postee on Kubernetes, the configuration file is passed as a ConfigMap that is mounted to the Postee pod.

This chart bootstraps a Postee deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.


  • Kubernetes 1.17+
  • Helm 3+

Test the Chart Repository

cd deploy/helm
helm install my-postee -n postee --dry-run --set-file applicationConfigPath="../../cfg.yaml" ./postee

Installing the Chart from the Source Code

cd deploy/helm
helm install app --create-namespace -n postee ./postee

Installing from the the Aqua Chart Repository

Let's add the Helm chart and deploy Postee executing:

helm repo add aquasecurity
helm repo update
helm search repo postee
helm install app --create-namespace -n postee aquasecurity/postee

Check that all the pods are in Running state:

kubectl get pods -n postee

We check the logs:

kubectl logs deployment/my-posteeui -n postee | head
kubectl logs statefulsets/my-postee -n postee | head

Delete Chart

helm -n postee delete my-postee

From Source

Clone and build the project:

git clone
make build
After that, modify the cfg.yaml file and set the 'POSTEE_CFG' environment variable to point to it.
export POSTEE_CFG=<path to cfg.yaml>