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CIS Kubernetes Benchmark support

kube-bench supports running tests for Kubernetes. Most of our supported benchmarks are defined in the CIS Kubernetes Benchmarks. Some defined by other hardenening guides.

Source Kubernetes Benchmark kube-bench config Kubernetes versions
CIS 1.5.1 cis-1.5 1.15-
CIS 1.6.0 cis-1.6 1.16-
CIS GKE 1.0.0 gke-1.0 GKE
CIS EKS 1.0.0 eks-1.0 EKS
CIS ACK 1.0.0 ack-1.0 ACK
RHEL RedHat OpenShift hardening guide rh-0.7 OCP 3.10-3.11
CIS OCP4 1.1.0 rh-1.0 OCP 4.1-